Chart your Cycle $95
As a certified FEMM instructor, I will take you through a series of classes so you can learn to chart your cycle, identify hormonal imbalances, and become an expert in your own body!
Includes 2 virtual sessions 1.5-2 hours each & unlimited text support during and after the classes!
Natural Family Planning $150
As a certified FEMM instructor, I will teach you (and your partner) to chart your cycle to achieve or avoid pregnancy, and identify if your cycle is fertile and healthy! Included are 3 sessions 1.5-2 hours each.
Includes 3 virtual sessions 1.5-2 hours each & unlimited text support during and after the classes!
Postpartum/follow-up $35
As a certified FEMM instructor, I will go over your postpartum charts with you & help you identify what is going on hormonally, and how best to chart your cycle to avoid pregnancy. Note: if you have never charted your cycle before, I require that you take at least one class with me to get the basics down.
30-60 minute virtual session
Charting Consult $15
See if you would like to work together! I will share more about the FEMM method with a short presentation and answer any questions you have.
15-30 minute
Charting Follow-up $35
You have taken a class with me before and would like to go over your charts together. I can help you chart more accurately, or identify if there are hormonal imbalances requiring medical intervention.
30-60 minute virtual appointment
I teach FEMM, which is a cycle charting/natural family planning method based off of charting cervical fluid + LH testing.
Yes, I am able to give a certificate of Natural Family Planning for engaged couples as part of Catholic marriage prep through the Diocese of Charlotte, NC. Some other diocese will allow this certificate to transfer, some won’t!
I am happy to help you chart your confusing cycle, and will likely refer you to a FEMM doctor or a naturopath to help get to the underlying cause!