Visitation Birthkeeper & Doula, Olivia Shingledecker
Our Mission
To help women enter into birth as a wholistic experience of mind+body+soul for herself, her baby, & her family
To assist women & families to live in God’s design for harmony with creation, our bodies, marriage, and motherhood
To walk with women as they submit their birth, motherhood & life to the Lord, always pointing back to Him who Created You
Our Vision
To provide a beautiful space for natural, physiological birth, where the mother is safe in the birth room, naked and vulnerable without shame. Where the mother experiences the sheltering of another soul within her body as a beautiful gift, a fruit of the gift man & woman are to each other in marriage. A world where every effort is made to live in harmony with creation through the freedom of God’s design. Where the mother can enter the chamber of her heart and experience interior transformation. Every experience of pain and suffering in childbirth (a birth that did not go according to our plans) is already redeemed.
Receive your birth as
H · A · R · M · O · N · Y
& Him who created you
We Believe
Birth is not a medical event, but a natural, physiological process
Birth is not something to be feared, but a process to be cherished & experienced in its fullness
When undisturbed and given the proper care, right conditions & support, a woman can birth in confidence + peace in the wisdom of her body
Birth affects the woman & baby & family physically, mentally, and spiritually
Allowing the natural hormonal events to unfold is how a woman will feel the most connection to her body & her baby & her motherhood
Birth is a huge right of passage & transformational process for the woman
A doula/birthkeeper/midwife’s role is to be attentive & watch, holding space with her presence, unless her hands are needed, to help the woman enter more deeply into what her body was created to do
When things occasionally go awry in birth, it can be approached with peace & responded to appropriately
As student doula & birthkeeper, I would be honored to attend your birth with my presence & current skills & resources. See below for what that looks like!
Birth Photography
As a student birth photographer, I would be honored to capture these most sacred moments with a simple photos or video. See below for more information.
Cycle Charting
As a certified FEMM instructor, I offer classes for single women looking to chart their health or learn their female monthly rhythm, or couples looking to learn NFP.