You desire a natural, physiological, undistrubed birth, and a woman to walk alongside you in the process.

What I bring to the table

  • Serving as a birthkeeper/doula is a very intimate relationship, so I choose to be discerning in who I serve & invite you to the same as well! 

  • I bring my presence & confidence that a natural, physiological birth is possible for you

  • I support and encourage natural, physiological pregnancy + childbirth 

  • Encourage Dads to take their rightful place as protector over the birth space, giving them practical tools & ways to help the mother during labor

  • As my skills continue to grow and evolve, I will offer comfort measures, suggested position changes, make sure she is well hydrated

  • Encourage you to connect to her baby + motherhood

  • Listen as to you process the transformational experience of birth, perhaps even a redeeming birth experience from past experiences

  • Educate on the natural hormonal and chemical events that set up birth best 

  • I do not bring fear into the birth space, but a confidence in the both God’s design for the woman’s body + birth, and trust in His plan to unfold

  • Two prenatal appointments 1-2 hours each to build trust & understanding, and to prepare your mind + body + soul

  • Wholistic health recommendations

  • Recommended ways to prepare your body for birth

  • Co-creating a birth plan

  • On call from 37 wks to birth

  • When labor starts: arrive when you desire & stay through 3 hours postpartum

  • Unlimited text communication from when you hire me to 6 weeks postpartum

  • One postpartum app to process the birth, etc. 1-2 hrs

    *simple birth photography or videography on your phone

Birthkeeping/doula package $500

Tier #1

Birthkeeping/doula package $750

Tier #2

  • Everything from Tier #1 with

  • several birth photographs or videos on professional camera

  • One extra postpartum visit including a home-cooked nutritious postpartum meal, coming to your home & helping you with whatever you need for 3 hrs

Virtual Birthkeeping/doula visits $35 each

  • Virtual prenatal or postpartum appointments to talk through your thoughts & emotions surrounding this pregnancy & birth

  • I will research any special topics, etc. you have about your pregnancy & birth & newborn baby and send you a personalized email with my findings or suggestions

  • If you desire a natural birth, talk through any questions or concerns you have (or chat with your husband!)

  • Co-create your birth plan

  • Process your birth experience with you

Student Birth Photography $100

  • On call from 37 wks to birth

  • 10+ photos on a professional camera

  • 3-5 minute birth vlog

Cycle Charting $35-150




See this page for these packages!

* Please note that the birth packages are all student pricing as I build up experience & trust with clients. If you have questions or concerns about my philosophy or experience, I am more than happy to chat this through with you

You desire a natural, physiological birth, and a woman to be alongside you in this process 

You desire someone alongside you to process your beliefs and experiences about pregnancy + childbirth

You will do all in your control to ensure a healthy pregnancy + physiological birth (diet, lifestyle, stress reduction, etc.)

You trust, or desire to trust, God’s plan for your birth over your own plan

You are open to receiving suggestion for wholistic wellness and care, and taking responsibility for your own health and prenatal care

You believe that birth is a more wholistic event, but you are not 100% sure how to get there

You are open to both deep work/introspection and not holding onto emotions/beliefs/trauma that don’t serve you

You want someone to accompany you, actively listen and hold space

You want an unassisted birth, yet you want another woman (who is comfortable with a normal, physiological birth), to sit beside you, note-take (or not), sing or record or be silent, bring snacks, encourage or assist your husband

You are having a homebirth with a midwife, yet you would like another support person there to notice and suggest comfort measures, position changes, tension releases, etc. 

You want a natural, physiological birth in the hospital

It is your first baby and you desire extra encouragement + reassurance in the birthing process

Should I set up a consult?

Q & A

  • Yes, I would absolutely love to support freebirthing moms! It is especially important that we go through a extensive interview process to determine if we are a good fit, and to be crystal-clear about what roles & responsibilities each party with take. For example, in the case of an emergency, you are the one to process them with me encouraging & reminding.

  • I currently support women who desire natural hospital births without intervention and are willing to advocate for themselves (with their husband!) We will create a birth plan together. I do prefer to support women in the home, as I believe it creates a setting for birth to unfold most peacefully.

  • I believe that every woman should have a support system, and if she desires, a doula to work with. Please reach out to share about your particular need, and we can discuss to see if it is possible for me to work with you. No guarantees ;)

    I also offer low-cost or free of charge services to moms in crisis pregnancy situations, so please let me know and I can work with the organization helping you.

  • Nope! If desired, I am willing & able to bring in aspects of spirituality for Christian & Catholic Christian women.